Post by alex12dk on Sept 3, 2014 15:39:00 GMT -6
Hi! I'm 16 year old girl.. I come from Denmark where people are open and mostly acept non hetroes. But I'm a little confused. I'm not sure that I'm into girls. I feel that i'm atracted to boys and girls. And I not sure about it. I just want to know how to be sure. Some of my friends are bisexuals, but I'm to afraid to talk about it. I'm even afraid to talk about it with my family and best friends. I'm not afraid that my family won't acept it, cause I know they will, but I feel like It's kinda akward to talk about. I also started in a new school with a lot of new friends, and afraid what they might think about it. I'm also a big tomboy. This summer I decided to cut of the most of my hair, like really short... But other than that, I hope that you will help me to find out what my sexuality is Christine
Post by Drew Steller on Sept 3, 2014 20:36:23 GMT -6
Hi Christine: We live in a world where homosexual people are so few compared to the heterosexuals, so it is only natural for you to be unsure of your sexuality, even in a country as open and accepting as Denmark. As young people, we crave acceptance, especially when we are still vulnerable and unsure of who we are. Therefore, it is important for you to first seperate those feelings from your sexual desires, and from there, work out who it is that you're sexually attracted to. The last thing you want is for someone to tell you that you're gay, straight, or bi, just because of how you style your hair, or who you are best friends with. We are fundamentally sexual creatures who crave love and need to give love. How we are wired from day one ultimately determines who we will be most sexually compatible with. My advise to you is this: Try to slowly build up your courage, and ask some of your bisexual friends (those that you can truly trust) about your feelings. It is important for you to always follow your heart, and stay true to yourself. After all, the purpose of life is to find happiness, and that can only be achieved when you allow yourself to be who you are, completely. Good luck Drew
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Posts: 230
Post by Regitze on Sept 6, 2014 11:50:29 GMT -6
Hejsa Christine I'm so exited about meeting a fellow Dane in here I myself have been (are still a little bit) in your situation and what helped me was that someone (actually someone in here) told me that I should stop focusing on labels, just enjoy being young and do what feels right. If you ever want anyone to talk to about this or anything else, don't hesitate to contact me in here, In English or Danish -Regitze
Post by alex12dk on Sept 6, 2014 17:20:24 GMT -6
Thanks Drew for the advice! Tak Regitze, føler nu for at tage det på dansk, så jeg bedre kan formulere mig men vil bare gerne du ved sikre mig hvad jeg er, hvis nu folk spørger om det
My voice will be heard
Hejsa og velkommen
Posts: 230
Post by Regitze on Sept 7, 2014 0:33:05 GMT -6
Det forstår jeg godt, og jeg har også været der. Jeg tror det bedste du kan gøre i sådan en situation er, hvis du føler dig selvsikker nok, er at sige at du ikke ved det, for det er 100% okay ikke at vide hvad/hvem man er. Det er vigtigt at du husker at din seksualitet kun er en del af dig, det er ikke hele din personlighed det har jeg selv glemt en gang i mellem. Og hvis der er nogen af dine venner der ikke kan se ud over din seksualitet så er de ikke rigtige venner, for du er den samme person lige meget om du er til drenge, piger eller begge -Regitze
Post by alex12dk on Sept 13, 2014 15:15:50 GMT -6
Hej igen. Undskyld de har taget lidt tid, at få skrevet herinde igen, men har haft travlt ? Jeg har overvejet at sige det til min bedste veninde, men det er bare lige med at få det sagt.. Jeg vil hellere fortælle det til hende end min familie. Er det forkert? Og hvordan skal man få det sagt? Nogle gode råd? -Christine
My voice will be heard
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Posts: 230
Post by Regitze on Sept 13, 2014 16:27:05 GMT -6
Hejsa! Har også selv haft travlt, alt for mange lektier Hvis du føler at hun vil forstå dig så burde du helt klart fortælle din vendinde det. Jeg er kommet ud til to af mine vendinder nu og det er en kæmpe lettelse at have nogen at snakke med. Jeg har ikke fortalt mine forældre det endnu, og jeg tror ikke det sker før den dag jeg har en pige kæreste med hjem. Det jeg gjorde begge gange, jeg kom ud, var at sørge for vi var et sted hvor vi ikke ville blive forstyrret, jeg er/var hunde red for at en eller anden ville forstyrre lige som jeg skulle til at sige det. Når du føler det er et okay tidspunkt at sige det på, så "bare" sig det, lad vær med at vente til det perfekte øjeblik for det kommer ikke. Da jeg kom ud til min anden vendinde, endte hun med at gøre det samme og vi snakkede om det i timer efter! min bedste vendindes reaktion var modsat, hun syntes det var fedt at jeg sagde det og fortsatte så vores samtale om et eller andet random det jeg prøver at sige er at folk reagerer forskelligt og det kan være svært at regne ud hvad folk vil gøre når du siger det, så expect the unexpected Jeg håber jeg ikke var alt for forvirrende -Regitze
Post by alex12dk on Sept 27, 2014 6:41:10 GMT -6
Super! Mange tak for hjælpen Regitze. Det betyder virkeligt meget!
My voice will be heard
Hejsa og velkommen
Posts: 230
Post by Regitze on Sept 28, 2014 0:04:52 GMT -6
Happy to help
Post by alex12dk on Nov 9, 2014 12:51:23 GMT -6
Hi again? So.. I want to thank you Regitze I finally came out to a friend from my new class. From the start of the school year, I was talking really good with her. And then a few days ago, we had a conversation about sexualities in the lunch break... And I was really surprised that two of my classmates, who are some of my bestfriends, showed that they are homophobes. My friend, Anj, and me were shocked. She ran away from the table and I was just sitting there speechless ? I was talking to another friend from the class about it. She was also shocked. I could feel that Anj, was hurt about it. And we were talking about for some days. And then came the subject again. This time we were talking about, that I just found out that my teacher was married to a woman. And I thought it was cool, and then a boy from my class was like " Eww! That's gross". I just wanted to hit him so much ? So this friday, I was hanging out at my place with Anj. And we were talking for hours. And something we were talking about homosexuals. And she was like really supportive. And I asked her if she was homosexual or into other people than boys, and she said yes. And there was only one more than me that knows it. And then she asked me. At first I didn't know what to say. Then I thought, f*ck it. And I said that I was bisexual. And we talked and talked. And I felt relieved. But I haven't told my best friend yet. I don't know why I can't. And last night I was so close, but I couldn't. And I haven't told my family yet. But I want to. ? But I want to thank you so so much for helping me. I feel so relieved, and like the heavy burden is gone. Thank you! ☺️